Dark Elf Warlock Skill Build

7:34 PM Saturday, February 5, 2011

What is the Dark Elf Warlock Class?

They can cast powerful spell that can target multiple enemies in an area. The warlocks can survive PVP as compared to Wizard. Don’t forget to drop by the Rohan forum for the latest discussion on the Dark Elf Warlock build at the link below.

Dark Elf Warlock Skill Build

This Skill Build Guide is made by SacredMistress of Rohan Forums. All credit belongs to him.

Hello I’m here to tell you my personal guide for my warlock I figure it will give you people something new to be nutsy about.

So lets get started. The First skills you need are as follows, please note this guide will be a pvp guide because warlock is a pvp class however if you should choose to do a pve warlock, dont get the skills with the * next to them. It indicates that those skills are pvp.

Your stat build from lvl 1-50 should be 3 int 1 vit
Dark message lvl 5 first and best skill you need.

Cold wave lvl 3 is useful, you can max it if you want but you wont need more than lvl 3 later because later you’ll use before you cast ability drain because drain has a 4 second cast time.

Dark eyes is a skill you have to get in the skill tree but its still useful keep it on at all times.

Health Coil lvl 5 very good for pve and still does decent dmg in pvp
Mana coil lvl 3 or 4 – lvl 4 is not required but its still nice to have because it increases mana coil’s dmg which is good for pvp.

Int beam lvl 5 - it will be your BEST single target dmg skill and is very important.
Wide encourage lvl 5 – your first aoe its what mages are made for!

Mind increases lvl 1 – strong crit dmg and gives you access to frozen ice
* Frozen ice lvl 1-5 - only lvl 1 is really required but its a useful skill so you may want to 5 it but considering you’ll be working on your skill build till 8xish it may not be what you want to spend you skill points on at low lvls.

* Dispel magic lvl 5 – your next needed skill in the first set. Your debuff and one of your most important skills great for pissing off dekans and making your enemy far weaker.

Portal warp is good for if you plan to be doing alot of rahkon 2 or 3 parties. you will need it only lvl 2 because you can use fake death to get the argo off you and then cast it. I personally didnt get this till I reset at 65. NOTE: It has come to my attention that lvl 4 portal warp is useful if your party gets attacked by a venge party so I’d advise lvl 4ing it if you do ANY pvp whatsoever.

*Broken barrier lvl 1 - great for pvp it will take a healers protection off the guy you’re trying to kill (because healers have a shitton of psy at high lvls it can be VERY difficult to break and its good to be spending the time actually killing the healer and not the shield) can also be used against magic mirror, and dragon sage “guard” which is like an int shield

*Cure silence. If you dont have this some dhan is gonna put you outa business VERY quickly. Lvl 7 silence is a pain in the ass and you MUST get it off you because we are nothing without our skills.

and this concludes your first set of skills congrats. Please note you want to get your skill build done by 3x lvl 35ish is best to have it done by a bit of leeway one way or the other is fine.

Level 50 – CONGRATS you’re a warlock! Anyway you’re going to be less of a glass cannon from now on so lets get started.

Stat build 5 int 1 vit OR 4 vit 2 int I personally went for 4 vit 2 int but its entirely up to your personal preference. I would advise even if you want to go 5 int 1vit to go 4 int 2 vit till 60 so u can tank a bit more of dmg incase the healer is taking a dump or something. “why 60?” you might as me, because at lvl 60 you get a skill that resets the agro and makes u invincible for 5 secs which means you can cast your aoes and then use it (its called fake death BTW) and watch the tanks actually do their job and tank.

Okay skill build.
Int shield lvl 5 this makes u less of a total glass cannon.
Staff mastery lvl 0, you will hardly have enough skill points at 99 anyway so you cant be wasting your points on things you dont need.

Impenetrable shield lvl 1 another one of those skills you have to get anyway, but its still good. Chain it with break ability to be impossible to stun .

Push lvl 1, lvl 1 to lvl 5 doesnt have that much a difference in dmg and you have other skills that need the sp. however you may want to max it after you’ve maxed the other skills I will advise you to get.
Pollution mind lvl 5. Great aoe dmg over time (DOT) also good for pvp. a good skill to chain with fake death later.

Root lvl 1 you may want to lvl 5 it later because its your only actual stun. even if its only 6 seconds its still your only stun…….. and its an AOE so thats also cool plus its cooldown is far less than any other stun, only 25 seconds

Fake death lvl 1 theres no difference besides the cooldown on lvl 1 vs lvl 5 Well starting 6x you’ll be doing some more pvp so these are now the mainly pvp skills…..oh right the actual skill; okay since you may have a few sp left over if you chose to follow thisguide to the letter there are a few skills you need to work on while still having 5 sp by lvl 62 to max broken treasure. MAKE SURE IF YOU’RE GOING TO PVP THAT YOU SAVE 5 POINTS FOR BROKEN TREASURE!!!

*Ability drain lvl 1 (assuming you have a free sp) okay this is good to lvl 5 and use after you cold wave the target. it is like doing 800 dmg to your enemy and making him about 10% less effective for some time. lvl 1 it now if u have the free sp and make sure you lvl 5 it later!

*Magic mirror lvl 1 another skill you need to max when u get the sp. Please note!!!!! it does not work as described! all it does is reflect 2 attacks at lvl 5 BUT if you use it correctly you can reflect their stuns and sway the battle further in your favor.

*Break ability lvl 1 and then 5 this skill disables your enemy’s paralyzes ie dhan skil death call, knight skill rush…etc. lvl 1 it first and then lvl 5 it as you get the spare sp

*Area toxic potion lvl 1 Great to chain with broken treasure because toxic potion is undetoxable and broken treasure is detoxable. Broken treasure is your best skill and it sucks if it gets detoxed. Anyway…. get area toxic to lvl 5 as soon as you have the sp because it also takes away one of their hp pots which can give u the extra seconds you may need to kill.

Other skills optional skills are…..
Skill erase at lvl 65. Please note if ANY of your skills are lvl 6 do not use this. IT can however be useful if you got a skill or two to a lvl you didnt want them or if you want a skill you want but have theskill points in a skill you like less you can use this to reset it. INSTRUCTIONS: put 1 point into it reset first set of skills. Then put another point into it (making it lvl 2) and reset second tier (it also resets the erase skill so you get your sp back .

*Disable pet (it can be helpful when dealing with lvl 3 pets)
*Snatch which is nice just for fun basically but can also be used to piss off someone who wont give you buffs =).

Finally “best skills to lvl 6 or more”
INT shield is VERY good to lvl 6
Broken treasure, increases effect time by 4 seconds and decreases it’s cooldown time to 2 mins
Lvl drop (when it gets fixed it will make us much better in pvp)
Dark message, more mp and hp are always useful
Break ability
Magic mirror
Area toxic potion
Ability drain
Attack skills, Pollution mind and int beams are good ones to start out with.
There you go, if you do use your skillstones from your skillstone quests (1 lvl 40 solo and lvl 50 from outside of carolinas tomb) make sure you try them WITH the GUILD BUFF because they are not 100%


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